We want to do our best to make certain our SCC guests and family have a distraction free worship experience this Easter and that everyone can comfortably attend. By submitting your RSVP for whichever worship service you, your family, and friends would like to be part of at Easter,  you can help us make that happen.

Water Baptism

Child Dedication

Need Prayer?

First Time Guest

Discipleship is made up of ingredients. Some of those ingredients are ongoing life groups for community, seasonal Bible studies to grow in the Word, and variousspecific ministries based on a personal need. All of which are of necessity! You can get information and register for what is currently available at Salem.

Discipleship at Salem


At Salem, we realize membership is more than a title—it's a commitment to being an active part of something bigger. Partnering together in faith, service, and community we live out our mission to be “a present church in life and community.”

Plan a Visit

Worship with Your Giving

Giving is worship and worship is giving, you can’t separate the two.

Meet with a Pastor

SCC Merch

Why church merchandise? Some use merch sales to make a profit. Some use merch sales to raise funds for missions. Some use merch sales to promote an event. We want to start a conversation to help create community centered on Christ so we partnered with a local business to make that happen.

Didn’t make it to church on Sunday? We have you covered.

You can catch up with the most recent messages. If you missed a weekend further back you can rewatch those messages with our online campus.

Salem Info

SCC emails are the best way for us to communicate with you. Sign up for those emails here.

Salem Youth

Our Calendar

At Salem, we believe that we are better together. There are a variety of ways to get involved in attending services and groups throughout the week. Here is the current weekly schedule for how you can be involved.